Comprehensive Security Training (CST) Course
Comprehensive Security Training (CST) in a WIOA-Approved Program
Have a Question about Our Security Training Course? Call (818) 906-3753
The Comprehensive Security Training (CST) Course is a 104 hours security course. This 12-day program focuses on providing the most realistic and practical fundamental base for entry-level candidates in the security field.
All of our training is designed to be an attainable step-by-step process to develop a confident understanding of each topic through classroom and practical exercises. The Comprehensive Security Training (CST) program is ideal for individuals wishing to break into the static security industry by receiving the training and certificates in numerous high end security and security related courses.
Our Comprehensive Security Training program is approved under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)which is designed to provide quality employment and training services to assist eligible individuals in finding and qualifying for meaningful employment, and to help employers find the skilled workers they need to compete and succeed in business.
Begin a new career in executive protection with our
Comprehensive Security Training Course.
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Classes Included in the Comprehensive Security Training (CST) Program
CA BSIS Guard Card
This security training course is the first step toward working in a security career. The course is certified through California’s Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS) and is AB2880-compliant. Graduates receive state certifications as security officers.
CA BSIS Exposed Firearms Permit (FA 1, 2)
The course provides State Certification for an exposed firearm permit. Even if a person is licensed or registered in the security field, they may not carry a gun on duty whether loaded or unloaded unless they have been issued an exposed firearm permit by the Department of Consumer Affairs. Permit must be kept on one’s person at all times while on duty.
CA BSIS Baton Permit
This course teaches the skills and abilities to effectively carry a baton. PWA instructors give hands-on training and experience with a baton. You will receive California Baton Permit issued by BSIS and ASC Certificate of Completion.
Arrest and Control
An introductory course into arrest and control. This course covers the basics of conflict management, handcuffing, and controlling a suspect while in the performance of duties as a security guard.
Learn the skills and abilities to effectively give life-saving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) techniques as a first responder. During the course, an American Heart Association Instructor works with each student to complete their first aid training, CPR and Automated External Defibrillator (AED) skills practice and testing..
Executive Protection Fundamentals (EP 1, 2)
This course provides students fundamental security training and a first-hand, detailed understanding of executive protection. Students experience a hands-on approach of high-end, VIP and Celebrity protection in the day-to-day civilian environment.
A security training course that teaches you how to utilize a Taser as a non-lethal method of self-defense. The curriculum is broken into three sections: lecture, demonstration and scenario method.
Sexual Harassment
This course covers Federal and California Laws regarding the prevention of sexual harassment, discrimination and retaliation in employment.
Chemical Agents
Get certified for OC (Oleoresin capsicum) pepper spray. Student learns the skills to effectively carry a chemical agent and receives et hands-on training and experience with chemical agents.
School Security Guard SB1626
With the passage of California Senate Bill 1626 in 1998, California state law requires security guards in Kindergarten through 12th grade (K-12) school districts or California community college districts to complete a course of training developed by the Bureau of Security and Investigative Services (BSIS). The law applies to campus security personnel working on school property for more than 20 hours per week. This course fulfills the training requirements outlined in the School Security Guard law.
Job Placement/Résumé Writing
Upon completion of this course, students graduate with a completed and revised professional résumé and are then able to walk into an interview confidently. The course uses hands-on practice through mock interviews in addition to physical résumé writing in an interactive and productive setting.
Duration: 104 hours
Course Cost: $4,130.00
- Cost includes all supplies, fingerprinting and application fees.
- Mandatory applications and background checks are processed by the state to determine certification approval. Before signing up for the 12-day course, applicants should call to see if they meet the state’s requirements.